2023 Favorites

Dear Friends (and random people of the internet),

You have found the latest installment of the annual "Favorites".

I do realize we are in February and most of you have already forgotten about 2023. For better or worse, I have not. In fact, this past year, alongside the prior, have been two of the hardest I can recall — all rendering this yearly curation endeavor a bit of an afterthought.

And yet still, here it is.

This project originated because a growing group of friends continually asked for music recommendations — a labor of love that I have always enjoyed and appreicated. But over these past couple of years, I've realized that this little annual compilation has hobbled along more so because I've needed it to... for myself. In many ways, it's therapy. Or in my case, "additional" therapy.

Because many of you will be reading this sans any real conversation with myself over the last year, I'll just jump right to it (cue sad music)... Anna and I are no longer "together".

With this said, I'm not sure this is the venue to truly unpack whatever subsequent curiosities you may have, and yet I did want to "make it known" while also providing some context to the compilation. Consider these two playlists as  a small glimpse into the emotional volatility that emerges when attempting to unravel 27+ years of marriage, identity, and shared history — the sadness, the fear, the anger, and the deep love that still remains.

I do realize the news may feel as a bit of a downer to some. Please know that we are all "okay" and working through this with care and love the best way we know how. We all have plenty of other things going on as well — some of which I've alluded to in the attached liner notes.

This collection is entitled Time to (Pret)end and comes in the form of two "chapters" which should be fairly self evident. Again, there is additional insight in the liner notes for each song for those that are curious. Lastly, the playlists and tracks are meant to be played in order, but you be you.

Here's to new chapters.

Much love,